" It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys."
- Emil Zatopek

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Training 1/3 to 1/9

1/3 Monday: AM: 5 miles in 38 minutes PM: 10.4 miles in 74 minutes

AM: Easy running in Andover

PM: Whirlaway winter 10 mile loop. I knew if I went home there was no way I was going to get out the door for a run. So I stopped at the Whirlaway for a run. I felt pretty good out there tonight.

1/4 Tuesday: OFF


1/5 Wednesday: OFF


1/6 Thursday: OFF


1/7 Friday: OFF

Travel to Puerto Rico. Still having health issues.

1/8 Saturday: 11 miles in 80 minutes

Treadmill running on the cruise ship, felt OK running. Still not feeling the best. I am not sure trying to run this much was a good idea.

1/9 Sunday: 5 miles in 38 minutes

Treadmill running. Still feeling under the weather.

Total Miles: 30.4

My worst week in a very long time. Why can't I stay healthy. This is not the way I wanted to start out the new year.


  1. Sounds like an idea for a new Fireside Chat w/ Wiles...:)

  2. for all those database folks out there... Chris' last 3 days are as follows:

