Pretty sore from yesterdays race. The quads took a beating on those downhills and I am paying for it now. Ran very slow and easy. The good news is I got on the trails along the Shawsheen river. They were wet and muddy, but no snow or ice.
3/2 Tuesday: 10 miles in 77 minutes
Still tight and a touch sore. So this was another pretty easy run. Did the Rattlesnake Hill loop from work.
3/3 Wednesday: 10 miles in 72 minutes
Did 8 x 20 sec strides during the end of the run. Felt much better today, just a bit heavy.
3/4 Thursday: AM: 10 miles in 69 minutes PM:4 miles in 32 minutes
AM: Did a loop up into Philips Andover. On the way back in I picked up for a few miles of tempo-ish running. Did 5:41, 5:44, 5:35. Felt OK, but not as good as I had hoped for, maybe I am still not fully recovered from last weekends race.
PM: Very easy treadmill run at home.
3/5 Friday: AM: 8 miles in 60 minutes PM: 5.2 miles in 38 minutes
AM: Got up and outside early to get in this run. I actually felt pretty good.
PM: easy run from work in the late afternoon.
3/6 Saturday: 8 miles in 56 minutes
Shorts and a Tee-shirt!!!!! A great day for a run. I felt really good and the last few miles were quicker than I expected, wasn't trying to run faster, but the miles were coming easy in the mid 6's. Must have been the nice weather.
3/7 Sunday: 17 miles in 2 hours
Another great day to be outside. My run went really well and it felt nice and easy. Again I closed out the run feeling really good and with some faster mid 6 minute type miles. A great way to finish off a week.
Total Miles: 79.2
A great week of running. Feeling good and healthy. I can't complain!
On Sunday Caitlyn, Heather, and I went over to the Claddagh Pub 4 miler in Lawrence. It was a great day for a race and the Whirlaway Racing Team did not disappoint. Caitlyn and I cheered on our favorite runner, Heather, and Whirlaway took both the woman's and men's races. Congratulations to Heather and Jose on there winning runs! Nice job guys! Results and Finishing pictures.

Photo by Jim Rhoades
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