- Emil Zatopek
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Training 9/21 to 9/27
9/22 Tuesday: 10.3 miles in 76 minutes
Did 6 x 15 second strides at end of run. Really felt pretty bad. Tired, sore, slow...not good.
9/23 Wednesday: OFF
Woke up felling like hell. Sick, sick, sick. Must have got to close to Jim Johnson while at Lone Gull. No Running today. This is not how I wanted this week to go especially after having a bad race on Sunday
9/24 Thursday: 5 miles in 36 minutes
Felt well enough in the afternoon to just get outside and run a bit.
9/25 Friday: 8.6 miles in 66 minutes
Ran over in Winnekenni with Heather and Emily. Did two loops of the lake. Felling much better today...just stuffed up.
9/26 Saturday: 23 miles in 2 hours 39 minutes
This is what I needed. I had a great run. Felt good at the end and finished up strong. Took water and gels twice during run. Finished with a smile on my face!
9/27 Sunday: 8.1 miles in 60 minutes
An easy run with Heather....who thought it would be fun to pick up the pace while I had tired legs from the day before.
Total miles: 63 miles
Not the best week in the world. I came off of Lone Gull pretty flat then got sick and took a day of from running. Mileage was low and I did not get in any workouts. The good news was that my 23 mile long run on Saturday went awesome and I felt great. Three more weeks till Baystate Marathon....I need to get in one more really good week then it will be time to taper :)
Lone Gull 10k USATFNE Championships 9/20/09

On Sunday September 20th Heather, Caitlyn, and I headed to Gloucester for the USATFNE 10k championships at the Lone Gull 10k. We got there nice and early and got a good parking spot in the Good Harbor Beach parking area. This is a beautiful beach as you can see in the picture to the left. The goal for this race was to run hard and fast! Go after a PR (sub 32:34) and see what kind of shape all my hard work has left me in. I really wanted to run a good race and have a good performance.
After a quick warm up with some teammates, I got changed into my singlet and racing shoes and started heading over towards the starting area which was a good distance away....about halfway there I noticed something.....I had forgot my timing chip!!! I had about 6 minutes to get my chip and back to the start. So I got in a little bit of "tempo" work as I ran back to the car and back to the start. I got to the starting line just in time for the 9am start just to find out it was going to be delayed for a few minutes. Man that was stupid.....not a good way to start out.

I was really disappointed with this race for a while. After having some time to let it settle in, I believe this was not that bad of a result. Even though I had a hellish last 2 miles or so I was still only 15 seconds short of my PR and it was still my 3rd fastest 10k ever. I never really felt like my legs were hurting, I really feel that if it wasn't for that cramp I would be writing about a PR right now. I know I can run faster than this, and I know I am in good shape, its just that I wanted a good confidence booster before running Baystate in a few weeks. I still think I can run a good marathon and attack my marathon PR there in a few weeks.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Training 9/14 to 9/20
9/14 Monday: 8 miles in 60 minutes
9/15 Tuesday: AM: 9.3 miles in 70 minutes PM: 3.9 miles in 30 minutes
Evening run was late. Ran on the treadmill for the first time in a very long while. I still hate the damn thing.
9/16 Wednesday: 12.5 miles in 80 minutes
25 minute warm up at the track. Did 4 sets of 3x400m in 70-72 seconds (60 sec rest) 400m in 70-72 seconds right into 3 laps at 85 second pace. I did all 400s in 70 or 71 and hit the 85 second laps right on or just a couple seconds fast for the total of three laps. Felt pretty good. It was dark out by the time I finished up. Just in time for Philips Andover security to tell me the track closed at dark. Did 20 minutes of warm down.
9/17 Thursday: 8.1 miles in 62 minutes
This was a pretty easy run with Seth. Felt ok coming off the workout, just a bit heavy.
9/18 Friday: Planned Day Off
9/19 Saturday: 6 miles in 46 minutes
9/20 Sunday: 14 miles in 94 minutes
Lone Gull 10k. Warmed up for 2.5 miles. Ran 10k in 32:49 and cooled down for 5.3 miles. Will write a race report ASAP with details.
Total Mileage: 61.8
A good week. Mileage was down a bit due to the planned day off to get ready for Lone Gull 10k. I was not real happy with my race. But overall it could have been worse. I still have a couple weeks of work ahead me before i start my tapper for the marathon.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Run to The Rock
Mile 3: 5:56
Mile 4: 5:31
Mile 7: 5:33
Mile 9: 5:37
Monday, September 14, 2009
Training 9/7 to 9/13
9/8 Tuesday: 12.9 miles in 85 minutes
3 miles warm up then hit the track for 2.5 miles in 13:07 (5:14 pace) 1 lap rest 2x2000m in 6:20 and 6:22 1 lap rest after each, 1200 in 4:00 (80 sec / lap), 1 lap rest, 4x400 69-70 sec with 60 sec rest. Did most of this work out with Jon Healey. Then it was off to the trails for 2.4 miles of cool down with Jon and Heather.
9/9 Wednesday: 9 miles in 67 minutes
9/10 Thursday: 9.3 miles in 70 minutes
I was suppose to run another 40 minutes later this day, but I decided against it. It was late and my knee had been acting up a bit.
9/11 Friday: 7.7 miles in 58 minutes
Did 6 x 20 sec strides after the run.
9/12 Saturday: 20.7 miles in 2 hours 11 minutes
Went to Plymouth for the Run to The Rock half marathon. Did 5 miles warm up 13.1 miles in 1:13:29 and another 2.6 miles warm down. See race report for all the details (Race report to be posted soon)
9/13 Sunday: 7.7 miles in 60 minutes
Real easy run with Heather. Legs actually felt OK. A little tight and heavy but no soreness at all.
Total: 77.3 miles
A really good week of running with a really good "race" on Saturday. The race felt very smooth and relaxed. Next week the mileage will drop a bit as I get ready for the Lone Gull 10K. This is a USATFNE Championship event. I hope to run a good race there and set a PR. (Sub 32:34).
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Training 8/31 to 9/6
This was my last run in Miami and the run I felt best on while here....of course I have started to adjust to this weather just in time to leave. Well, after a nice break its time to head home.
9/1 Tuesday: 13 miles in 86 minutes
25 minute warm up at the track. Then 5 x 1000 in 3:09-3:11 with 90 seconds rest. 1 x 1000 in 3:10 right into 3 laps at 5:44 pace, one lap rest, 3 x 1000 in 3:09-3:11 90 seconds rest, 5 x 400 in 72-73 with 200m rest in 90 seconds. Warmed down for 16 minutes. This workout was a bit of a struggle after being in the heat and humidity of Miami and travelling Monday night. But I got it done.
9/2 Wednesday: 8.8 miles in 67 minutes
After running I headed north with Heather to do some hiking in the Whites. We decided to do the Hancocks, two peaks I still needed to bag in my quest to hike all 48 4000 footers in NH. In total it was about 10 miles of hiking with many water crossings and some steep climbs and descents. It was a beautiful day and it was great to be outside enjoying whats left of summer.
9/3 Thursday: AM: 9 miles in 69 minutes PM: 4 miles in 32 minutes
Got in my 4 miler while at the Atkinson Road Race. I was there to support a good cause and cheer on Heather to a 2nd place finish. Nice Job Heather!
9/4 Friday: 12 miles in 78 minutes
Went out for 3 miles easy then into 7 miles at 5:46 pace overall. Started out around 5:50 pace and worked down to about 5:40 pace. Felt pretty good on this one.
9/5 Saturday: 18 miles in 2 hours 14 minutes
Just an easy long run this week. Felt OK most of the run, but that last few miles hurt a bit....just got tired and heavy...probably a result of yesterdays workout.
9/6 Sunday: 8 miles in 60 minutes
Total Miles: 83
A very nice week of running. Came back from Miami a bit tired, but bounced back after a couple days. Mileage for the week was solid and I got in some good workouts. My next race will be this Saturday at the Run to The Rock. I will be running the half marathon as a Marathon paced workout.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Training 8/24 to 8/30
Last three minutes of this run was a pickup down to 5:10 pace.
Tuesday 8/25: 12 miles in 76 minutes
25 minutes of warm up. 7 laps at 77 second pace, 2 :30 rest 4 laps as 77, 87, 77, 87, then 90 seconds rest. 6 laps at 77 second pace, 2:30 rest, 3 laps as 77,87,77, then 90 seconds rest. 5 laps at 77 second pace. 16 minutes cool down. Felt pretty good during this workout. Hit all goal time and felt pretty comfortable doing it.
Wednesday 8/26: 8 miles in 61 minutes
Thursday 8/27: 13.5 miles in 90 minutes
Ran easy for 30 minutes then started a set of 1 minute pick ups with 1 minute rest. Did 18 pick ups. Felt pretty good.
Friday 8/28: 9 miles in 68 minutes
Easy run. Flew to Miami later that night for a long weekend at Miami Beach.
Saturday 8/29: 20.5 miles in 2 hours 34 minutes
Got up a bit early and went out for a run along Miami Beach with Seth Williams. It was already way hot and humid. Kept Seth as company for the first 8 miles then I was on my own. This run was pretty rough with no protection from the sun. The only thing that saved me was water fountains and showers along the board walk. Got it done....but I was toast at the end. So glad I don't have to run in those conditions at home.
Sunday 8/30: 8 miles in 61 minutes
Started my run with Seth and Heather, they turned back after a few miles. I don't blame them....its way to hot for this running stuff. Struggled through another hot humid run along the board walk. Went out exploring Miami Beach later that night....its a crazy place!
Totals: 81 miles
Another very good week of running, in fact I have actually put together a very good month of running. I just need to keep up the good work. Next "race" will be Run to The Rock on September 12th. This is a small local road race back in my hometown of Plymouth Mass. This will probably be run as some sort of marathon workout.
NOTE: Check out and attend if you can the Atkinson Road Race this Thursday September 3rd. This race will benefit among other great things Mark Kimball, a local runner and teammate of mine who was hit my a car while running on June 10th. Please read this article about his accident and recovery. Please encourage anyone you know to go and race this Thursday in Atkinson NH.